Effective proposal reviews are critical for improving proposal quality and submitting winning bids. This class teaches attendees what makes a great proposal and how to review, evaluate, and score proposals like a government evaluator. Attend this class to learn how to lead and participate in color reviews as well as leverage our seven quality measures to increase your win rates.

GDIC has a professional and talented team of reviews, all with a great arsenal of skills and well-structured processes that allow them to offer their exceptional experience for every client in an exclusive way. One of the most important teams of Color Team Reviews is the White Team or otherwise known as the White Glove.

What is the White Glove Review Team?

The White Team is one of the most important teams of Color Team reviews that says the final word for a proposal’s submission. Their ultimate goal is to ensure compliance and correct the issues identified by the Golf Team.

They are responsible for a page-by-page review of the document to detect various visual errors such as page numbers, hardcopy errors, design errors, space or sizing problems, and other imperfections. Their revision comes right after the Gold Team.

Depending on the company, sometimes their roles vary from one to another. Their revision comprises the whole proposal development process, from capture planning to submission for contract award. It’s like one last chance for a final check to look over any mistake that could impact the result of the proposal evaluation.

Normally, proposal best practices suggest that none of review members should participate in the proposal development process in order to ensure a streamlined, effective review process. Fresh perspective is always advantageous!

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The difference between White Hat Team and White Team

The number of teams that review proposals depends on several factors such as proposal volume and complexity.  There are cases when additional teams are required, such as the Black Hat and White Hat Team.

Many times, the White Hat Team is confused with the White Glove. The White Hat conducts a “lesson learned” review, identifying what are the gaps of the actual proposal and what strategies should be used to avoid their repetition. This review is divided into two parts:

  • Internal Review (after submission)
  • External Review (after customer’s evaluation)

Contact a GDIC review expert and see how a White Glove Review can help you to better position your proposal.

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GDIC’s Expertise for Effective Proposal Review

GDIC’s has a professional team or reviewers equipped with an exceptional skillset and many years of experience. We understand processes, procedures, and measures that need to be taken to improve proposal quality and win federal contracts.

Our team use a collaborative approach to overcome challenges, avoid pitfalls, get organized, and score proposals to successfully position them for the award!