Navy SeaPort NxG

Navy SeaPort Next Generation IDIQ MAC Rolling Admissions II

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SeaPort NxG Free Consultation Request

Navy SeaPort NxG in a Nutshell:



Navy SeaPort NxG Rolling Admission II
Department of the Navy – NAVSEA Warfare Center
Solicitation Number: N0017824R7000
541330 – Engineering Service
Status: Final RFP
Important Dates:
  • Solicitation Issue Date: 04/09/2024
  • Proposal Due Date: 07/03/2024
Contract Period: 4 year(s) base
Type of Contract: Multiple Award Contract – IDIQ – Agency Specific
Number of Awards:
Maximum Contract Ceiling Value: $50 Billion but could have an open ceiling
Competition Type: Full and Open / Unrestricted

Solicitation Resources:

Item Link
SeaPort RFP FDF File
SeaPort Solicitation Attachments  Zip File
SeaPort NxG Page on NAVSEA NAVSEA Page
SeaPort NxG Page on SAM Page

GDIC Related Content:

Navy SeaPort NxG Summary

The SeaPort Next Generation (SeaPort NxG) solicitation represents a strategic initiative by the Department of the Navy to procure a broad range of engineering and program management services. These services are critical to ensuring the Navy and Marine Corps can effectively meet current and future operational challenges.

The Navy SeaPort NxG contract is designed as an Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) mechanism, enabling the Navy to acquire services efficiently and flexibly. The contract aims to enhance the Navy’s capability across a wide spectrum of functional areas, from systems engineering and software development to program support and logistics.

By leveraging the expertise and innovation of industry partners, SeaPort NxG seeks to foster technological advancement and operational excellence in support of national defense objectives.

Functional Areas

Categories and Functional Areas

The Navy SeaPort NxG initiative outlines a comprehensive array of services divided into two main categories, each containing several functional area subcategories. These areas collectively encompass the broad spectrum of capabilities and services sought through this solicitation, reflecting the Navy’s multifaceted operational and technological needs.

  1. Engineering Services

Engineering Services cover a wide range of technical disciplines aimed at supporting the Navy’s mission through the development, improvement, and integration of naval capabilities and systems.

  • Engineering, System Engineering, and Safety and Process Engineering Support
  • Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
  • In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout, and Provisioning Support
  • Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
  • Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
  • Research and Development Support
  • Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
  • Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
  • System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
  • Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RMA) Support
  • Inactivation and Disposal Support
  • Biochemical Engineering Support
  1. Program Management Services

Program Management Services emphasize the application of business, financial, and technical disciplines to manage and support the acquisition, deployment, and lifecycle of naval systems and capabilities.

  • Financial Analysis and Budget Support
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Support
  • Functional and Direct Programmatic Administrative Support
  • Professional Development and Training Support
  • Analytical and Organizational Assessment Support
  • Database Administrators
  • Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
  • Logistics Support
  • Configuration Management (CM) Support
  • Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support
  • Computer Systems Analysts

Proposal Volumes

1. Cover Letter

  • Must be signed by an individual authorized to commit the company.
  • Identifies all enclosures included as part of the proposal.
  • References the solicitation number and transmits an offer in response.
  • Includes essential company details such as CAGE Code, UEI Number, TIN, and business size.
  • States proposal validity for 365 days after the RFP issuance date.
  • Provides contact information of persons authorized to bind the offeror’s organization.

2. Standard Form (SF) 33

  • Offerors complete blocks 12 through 18, sign, and return only the cover page, not the entire solicitation.
  • Company information on the SF 33 must match SAM.GOV.

3. Technical Proposal

  • Includes a description of recent and relevant experience in one of the twenty-three functional area subcategories in direct support of the Department of Defense (DoD) that is applicable to the Department of the Navy (DoN).
  • References up to three contracts/subcontracts, including contract numbers for verification purposes.

4. System for Award Management Certifications (Attachment J.2)

  • Signed certification is required as part of the proposal submission.

5. Pre Award Accounting System Questionnaire (Attachment J.3)

  • Signed questionnaire must be completed and included with the proposal.

6. Subcontracting Plan (if applicable)

  • Required for Large Businesses, detailing the plan to subcontract a minimum percentage of the total contract value to small businesses.

7. Contractor Information Spreadsheet (Attachment J.4)

  • Completed spreadsheet with contractor information is necessary for submission.

Note: All proposals must be developed using Microsoft Office Products, with 1-inch margins and a minimum 10-point Times New Roman font. The submission must adhere to the naming convention and page limitations specified, ensuring that all information beyond the last whole word within the page limit will not be considered.

Evaluation Criteria

The Government’s evaluation of proposals for the SeaPort NxG solicitation will be based on a straightforward assessment of whether offerors meet the solicitation requirements. The criteria detailed below are drawn directly from the provided document:

1. Registration and Document Submission

  • Offerors must register and submit their SeaPort NxG proposal through the SeaPort portal. The evaluation will be based on acceptable/unacceptable criteria, focusing on the completion of registration and submission of all required documents as specified in the solicitation. Documents required include:
  • Cover Letter
  • Standard Form (SF) 33 Cover page – (Signed)
  • Technical Proposal
  • System for Award Management Certifications (Signed) – Attachment J.2
  • Pre Award Accounting System Questionnaire (Signed) – Attachment J.3
  • Subcontracting Plan (applicable to Large Businesses only)
  • Contractor Information Spreadsheet (completed with contractor information) – Attachment J.4.

2. Technical Proposal

  • The technical proposal is evaluated on an acceptable/unacceptable basis. Experience will be validated for award based on evidence of recent and relevant technical experience in one of the twenty-three (23) functional area subcategories in direct support of the Department of Defense (DoD) that is applicable to the Department of the Navy (DoN)..

3. Subcontracting Plan (Large Businesses Only)

  • Large Businesses must submit a subcontracting plan. The Government will evaluate the subcontracting plan on whether or not it meets the required information as stated in the solicitation, based on acceptable/unacceptable criteria.

4. Evaluation Process

  • The evaluation process includes verification of proposal item submission, required signatures, compliance checks in SAM (e.g., debarment or suspension status, NAICS 541330, size status), and evaluation of the offeror’s technical proposal and subcontracting plan (if applicable). The process emphasizes the importance of direct DoD experience that can be shown as applicable to DoN programs and offices, without making a qualitative assessment of the experience described.

5. No Evaluation of Contract Price/Cost

  • Notably, there will be no evaluation of contract price and/or cost as part of the proposal assessment process.

6. Past Performance References Not Required

  • Past performance references are not required or desired for the evaluation of the proposal, emphasizing the focus on the offeror’s ability to meet solicitation requirements rather than past achievements.

Proposal Submission

The Navy SeaPort NxG solicitation document specifies how and when proposals should be submitted to ensure they are considered for evaluation. Offerors are required to follow these guidelines meticulously:

  1. Electronic Submission
    • Proposals must be submitted electronically via the SeaPort Supplier Portal. It’s imperative for offerors to have completed the required registration on the portal prior to submission .
  2. Submission Deadline
    • All parts of the proposal package must be received by the deadline specified in the solicitation. The document stresses the importance of adhering to the submission timeline to ensure the proposal is evaluated .
  3. Required Documents for Submission
    • Offerors are required to compile and submit several key documents as part of their proposal package, including:
      • A signed cover letter
      • The signed Standard Form (SF) 33
      • The technical proposal detailing recent and relevant experience
      • Signed System for Award Management Certifications (Attachment J.2)
      • Completed Pre Award Accounting System Questionnaire (Attachment J.3)
      • For Large Businesses, a completed Subcontracting Plan
      • Contractor Information Spreadsheet (Attachment J.4) filled with the contractor’s information .
  4. Format and Page Limits
    • The proposal, including all attachments and appendices, must be prepared in Microsoft Office formats, adhering to specified formatting guidelines such as 1-inch margins and a minimum 10-point Times New Roman font. There are strict page limits for each section of the proposal, and information beyond the specified limits will not be evaluated .
  5. Naming Convention
    • The solicitation document outlines a specific naming convention for proposal files to facilitate the organization and review process. Offerors are expected to follow these guidelines when naming their electronic submission files .
  6. Completeness and Compliance
    • The proposal must be complete and compliant with all solicitation requirements. Incomplete or non-compliant submissions may be deemed non-responsive and could disqualify the offeror from further consideration .
  7. Notification of Receipt
    • Upon successful submission, offerors should receive confirmation of receipt from the SeaPort Supplier Portal. It is recommended to keep a record of this confirmation as proof of timely submission .

How can GDIC Help?

GDIC specializes in providing comprehensive proposal writing and review services tailored to the Navy SeaPort NxG solicitation requirements (read our case study for the work we did on the previous version of SeaPort NxG). Our team of experts, who are well-versed in Department of Defense contracts, offer meticulous support throughout the proposal process. We ensure your proposal is not only compliant with all solicitation requirements but also compelling and competitive. Our services include:

  • Initial Consultation: Understanding your business and aligning your proposal with the SeaPort NxG’s objectives.
  • Document Preparation: Assisting in the creation of all required documents, including technical volumes and subcontracting plans.
  • Review and Compliance Checks: Ensuring your proposal meets all format, submission, and regulatory guidelines before submission.
  • Submission Support: Guiding you through the electronic submission process to guarantee a timely and correct filing.

With GDIC, elevate your chances of securing SeaPort NxG contracts through a strategic, well-crafted proposal that stands out.

Navy SeaPort NxG Opportunity Webinar
April 2024

Navy SeaPort NxG Q&A Webinar
May 2024

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