Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) VI
(Including SEWP VI Proposal Requirements)

Proposal Services for NASA SEWP VI Solicitation

SEWP VI in a Nutshell:



Agency: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Solicitation Number: 80TECH23R0001
Computer Systems Design Services
Additional NAICS Codes:
325910, 325992, 334111, 334118, 334210, 334220, 334290, 334310, 334419, 334510, 334511, 334515, 334610, 335139, 335311, 335313, 335929, 335931, 335932, 335999, 337214, 339112, 423430, 512191, 512290, 516210, 517111, 517112, 517121, 517410, 519290, 541330, 541430, 541490, 541511, 541513, 541519, 541614, 541618, 541690, 541990, 561621, 611420, 811210, 335921, 334112, 513210, 518210, 519190, 541512
Status: Final RFP: Published on May 23, 2024
Updated Proposal Due: July 25, 2024 (12:00 pm EDT)
Important Dates:
  • Full RFP Issue Date: May 23, 2024
  • Proposal Due Date: Aug 28, 2024 12:00 pm EDT
  • Award date: January 2025 (Estimated)
  • PoP Begin Date: May 1, 2025
Contract Period: 10 years (5 year base and 5-year option)
Type of Contract: Multiple Award GWAC
Number of Awards:
No Limit
Maximum Contract Ceiling Value: $77 Billion but could have an open ceiling
Set-Aside: Both Unrestricted and Small Business
GDIC Services: Full SEWP VI Proposal Support

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Solicitation Resources:

Item Link
Amendment 5 (July 22, 2024) ZIP File
Amendment 4 (July 18, 2024) PDF File
Amendment 3 (June 24, 2024) PDF File
Amendment 2 (June 18, 2024) Zip File
Amendment 1 (June 13, 2024) Zip File
Latest Updates on Amendment 4Amendment 5
Final RFP on Final RFP
Draft RFP on Draft RFP
Page on NASA Website Go to Page

GDIC Related Content:

Resource Nname / Link
Eligibility Video Clip Video Page
Navigating RFP Ambiguities Blog
Mastering SEWP VI Win Blog
Final RFP Webinar (5-30-24) Webinar Page
How to Win Webinar (04-09-24) Webinar Page
GDIC-APMP Webinar (12-14-23) Replay
GDIC Services
Capture Management
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Gov Proposal Development
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Color Team Reviews

SEWP VI Summary

The SEWP VI contract is a government-wide acquisition contract that provides federal agencies with access to a wide range of advanced technology products and services. This document provides detailed instructions on how to prepare and submit a proposal for the SEWP VI contract.

The proposal must address the technical and administrative requirements outlined in the solicitation, and must be structured according to the guidelines provided in this document. The proposal will be evaluated based on a set of criteria that includes technical approach, management approach, past performance, and price.

Successful offerors will be awarded an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract that will allow them to provide IT solutions to federal agencies for a period of up to ten years.

Functional Areas

The SEWP VI proposal should respond to a wide range of functional areas, including hardware, software, maintenance, training, and support services. Offerors must be able to provide IT solutions that meet the technical and administrative requirements outlined in the solicitation, and must be able to support both CONUS and OCONUS opportunities.

The SEWP VI solicitation includes three functional categories, each with its own set of subcategories. The functional categories are:

Category A: IT Solutions (Products-Information Computer Technology (ICT) and Audio Visual (AV))

  • Technical Area 1a: IT Computer Systems / Storage Devices / Compute facilities
  • Technical Area 2a: Networking Technology/ Mobility & Communications
  • Technical Area 3a: Software and Cloud Technology
  • Technical Area 4a: Supporting Technology/Security Technology
  • Technical Area 5a: A/V Equipment and Accessories
  • Technical Area 6a: Product-based services

Category B: Enterprise-wide IT Solutions (Products and Service Solutions)

  • Technical Area 1b: Enterprise-Wide Network Services
  • Technical Area 2b: IT Managed Services
  • Technical Area 3b: Enterprise-Wide Innovation Services
  • Technical Area 4b: IT Service Management
  • Technical Area 5b: Enterprise Service Program Integration
  • Technical Area 6b: Enterprise-Wide Information And Data Analytics Services (IDAS)
  • Technical Area 7b: Enterprise-Wide Application Services/Software Development
  • Technical Area 8b: Enterprise-Wide Cybersecurity Services
  • Technical Area 9b: Enterprise-Wide Cloud Services
  • Technical Area 10b: Enterprise-Wide Digital Multimedia And Technical Communications Services
  • Technical Area 11b: Program Management/Ancillary Services And Supplies

Category C: IT Professional Services (Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Audio Visual (AV) Services)

  • Technical Area 1c: Innovation Services
  • Technical Area 2c: Information and Data Analytics Services (IDAS)
  • Technical Area 3c: Application Services/Software Development
  • Technical Area 4c: Cybersecurity Services
  • Technical Area 6c: Digital Multimedia and Technical Communications Services
  • Technical Area 7c: It Operations and Maintenance / Help Desk/Call Center Support
  • Technical Area 8c: Network Services
  • Technical Area 9c: Database Services
  • Technical Area 10c: In-Scope Training
  • Technical Area 11c: Program Management/Ancillary Services

Proposal Volumes

The SEWP VI solicitation requires offerors to submit three separate proposal volumes:

  • Offer Proposal
  • Past Performance Proposal
  • Mission Suitability Proposal

Offer Proposal

The Offer Proposal is the primary proposal volume and should contain all of the technical and pricing information required by the solicitation. The Offer Proposal should be organized in a clear and concise manner and should demonstrate the offeror’s ability to provide high-quality IT solutions to federal agencies. The Offer Proposal should include detailed information on the offeror’s technical approach, management approach, and pricing strategy.

Past Performance

The Past Performance Proposal should provide detailed information on the offeror’s past performance on similar contracts. The Past Performance Proposal should include information on the offeror’s experience, technical capabilities, and customer satisfaction. The Past Performance Proposal should be organized in a clear and concise manner and should demonstrate the offeror’s ability to successfully perform the requirements of the SEWP VI contract.

Mission Suitability

The Mission Suitability Proposal should provide detailed information on the offeror’s ability to meet the specific technical requirements of the SEWP VI contract. The Mission Suitability Proposal should be organized in a clear and concise manner and should demonstrate the offeror’s technical capabilities, knowledge, and experience regarding the technical requirements of the solicitation.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are divided into three main categories: past performance, mission suitability, and price.

The past performance evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate each offeror’s past performance on similar contracts. The evaluation criteria will include the quality of the offeror’s past performance, the relevance of the offeror’s past performance to the requirements of the SEWP VI contract, and the recency of the offeror’s past performance.

The mission suitability evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate each offeror’s ability to meet the specific technical requirements of the SEWP VI contract. The evaluation criteria will include the quality of the offeror’s technical approach, the quality of the offeror’s management approach, and the quality of the offeror’s proposed solution.

The price evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate each offeror’s proposed pricing for the SEWP VI contract. The evaluation criteria will include the reasonableness of the offeror’s proposed prices, the completeness of the offeror’s proposed pricing, and the realism of the offeror’s proposed pricing.

Each evaluation criterion will be assigned a specific weight, and offerors will be evaluated based on their overall score. The SEWP Program Office will make awards to successful offerors based on the results of the evaluation process.

SEWP VI Proposal Submission

The SEWP VI proposal submission process is a critical step in the solicitation process, and it is important for offerors to carefully follow the guidelines provided in the solicitation to ensure that their proposal is submitted correctly and on time.

The proposal must be submitted electronically through the SEWP Program Office’s online proposal submission system. Offerors must ensure that they have registered in the system and have obtained the necessary login credentials to access the system. The system allows offerors to upload their proposal documents and pricing information, and to submit their proposal electronically.

In addition to submitting the proposal through the online submission system, offerors must also submit a signed copy of the SF 33, the solicitation cover sheet, and any other required documentation. Offerors must ensure that all required documentation is submitted by the deadline specified in the solicitation.

It is important for offerors to carefully review their proposal before submitting it to ensure that it meets all of the technical and administrative requirements outlined in the solicitation. Offerors should also ensure that their proposal is well-organized and easy to read, and that it clearly demonstrates their ability to provide high-quality IT solutions to federal agencies.

Once the proposal has been submitted, offerors should be prepared to respond to any questions or requests for additional information from the SEWP Program Office. Offerors should also be prepared to participate in any oral presentations or site visits that may be required as part of the evaluation process.

7-Minte Eligibility Assessment Video

How can GDIC Help?

The broad technology sector is improving the performance of federal and state government, and a large part of their IT requirements are not hardware/software, but staffing issues. As a consulting firm that specializes in helping companies prepare winning proposals for government contracts. GDIC can provide a wide range of services to help offerors prepare their SEWP VI proposal, including capture management, proposal writing, proposal management, and proposal review. GDIC can also provide training and support to help offerors understand the technical and administrative requirements outlined in the solicitation, and can provide guidance on how to structure the proposal to maximize its chances of success.

Our business development and proposal professionals have several decades of experience and expertise in IT proposals and contracts for government. By working with GDIC, offerors can increase their chances of winning the SEWP VI contract and can position themselves for long-term success in the federal marketplace.

SEWP VI Final RFP Webinar (May 30, 2024)

Recent SEWP VI Webinars

APMP-GDIC Webinar on SEWP VI (Dec 2023)

SEWP VI: How to Win Webinar (April 2024)

Recent Articles on SEWP VI

SEWP VI Proposal Review: Why Outsourcing Matters?

SEWP VI Proposal Review

SEWP VI Proposal Review: Why Outsourcing Matters?

Entering SEWP VI with Confidence

Mastering the SEWP VI Proposal Win

SEWP VI Mastering Proposal Win

Understanding and Navigating RFP Ambiguities

Navigating RFP Ambiguities

Why GDIC Excels?

The federal government contracting space has been very active this year with highly dynamic and resourceful opportunities such as OASIS Plus, PACTS III, ITSSS-2 and others. GDIC provides a range of capture and proposal services to companies large and small seeking to do business with the federal government. Our seasoned capture managers, experiecned proposal maangers, and to Subject Matter Expers all fore a unified and hard-working team that endevours to understand every client’s unique capabilities and to find the best way to present them in a form that the government evaluators expect and value.

Let GDIC guide your company through the this dynamic business arena and help you increase your federal government customer base and revenues. Request a free consultation with one of our consultants and tell us your goals, intentions, and ambitions.