Project Metis – Wishful Thinking or a Necessity for Business Development in 21st Century?


Project Metis has received funding and is now operational. After nearly 2 years of conducting investigations, feasibility studies and assessments, it was finally established that it is a viable solution. Its aim is to decrease costs, increase win-rates, and as a whole increase a company’s ROI in business development and opportunity capture. Developing a “Swiss Knife” executive with exceedingly high capabilities and who functions in place of a number of traditional staff is at the core of this Project. This article gives a short intro on Project Metis and its goals.

Before explaining further, I should first mention that Input from the following is highly appreciated:

  • BD, Capture, and Proposal managers/directors/VPs and executives to help define the final standards and educational process
  • Companies, as the end users of the Metis Executives, to specify their needs and concerns
  • Software companies and technology firms can elevate the Metis Executives’ capabilities using their software and technologies, by sponsoring and providing help


1. What is Project Metis?

The aim of this project is to set the standards, define the educational process, define the technologies and software support needed, and create the institution to certify Metis Executives. The word “Metis” is derived from Greek mythology in which Metis was the goddess of good counsel, advise, planning, cunning, craftiness, prudence, and wisdom..


2. Who are Metis Executives?

A Metis Executive is a person who can work at all of the following positions at the same time, and excels at all of them:

  • Capture Manager/Director
  • Business Development Manager/Director
  • Strategists
  • Subject Matter Expert in different fields
  • Proposal Manager/Director
  • Proposal Writer
  • Proofreader/Editor
  • Graphic Artist



3. What is new? Many consultants have or claim to have these capabilities.

A Metis Executives “EXCELS” at all of the above capabilities AND can perform all those functions AT THE SAME TIME.


4. How realistic is this? People are not Superman.

We believe that through proper education and training, proper tools and technologies, and proper procedures, this is a realistic goal and achievable on-the-ground. There are examples of it already!


5. Why is this important to the BD, Capture, and Proposal Managers?

You can help shape this new standard and be the first to receive the training and the certification, which due to its inherent capabilities, sets you apart for all else.


6. Why is this important to the Industry?

Imagine having one Metis Executive who acts as your BD Manager, your Capture Manager, your Technical Engineer/SME, and your Proposal Team, all in one instead of having to hire 4-6 people. That would bring substantial savings to the company; yet, the inherent capabilities of the Metis Executive say that his/her productivity will be higher than the 4-6 traditional staff.


7. What is the timeline involved?

The project has now received funding and has officially started. The overall tentative timeline is as follows:

  • Define Standards – by end of May 2016
  • Define Educational and Training Needs/Procedures – by end of July 2016
  • Define Software and Technology Helpers – by end of July 2016
  • Establish Training and Certifying Organization – by end of August 2016
  • Define Educational and Training Curriculum – by end of Sep 2016
  • Hold First Training Class for a Select Group of 10 – beginning of Oct till end of Dec 2016
  • Issue First Metis Executive Certificates – Jan 2017


8. What is the medium?

We have decided to pursue this project on LinkedIn. A website might be in the works at later stages but currently due to the interaction needed with the industry, we will have discussions conducted in a  Group in LinkedIn:


9. What’s next?

If you are interested, please participate in the discussions in this Group.

Send specific questions to [email protected].